Category: Not Bike Related
You know what to do
Broken Promises: part 1
Tl;Dr: Shout out where Trump’s actions violate campaign promises There’s not much that will be more effective than showing Trump supporters how their support is being used in ways they didn’t vote for. Here’s a great example: Trump’s Political Platform promises “Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!”. The theory goes…
Confederacy of Dunces, Snowcrash & MadMax
This post is about Dark Enlightenment, one of the ideologies in Trump’s coalition of crazys. Note: this is a work in progress… Not very polished. Tl;Dr: In Snowcrash Neal Stephenson wrote about neighborhood City/States with different laws. Dark Enlightenment wants to crash the U. S. to make this real, so they can live in Ayn…