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I’ve got mild toe fungus. Probably most oldies do. It’s not dangerous, most people who die have it, but I’ve never heard of anyone dying from it.
However, it makes foot care a bit harder, and when oldies get older foot care is a big deal. I know of elders who’ve had their tie nails removed because of it.
Treating it is hard, takes a long time, and can be expensive and/or bad side effects. See here.
So it turns out, a $4 bottle of over the counter iodine (Poviodine) seems to work too. For example, and here. Sounds like there is even a clear version that isn’t quite so stainy.
It’s cheap, seemingly unharmful, and easy. We’ll see how it goes but basically feels like simple preventative care (preventing future/worse infections), and will maybe result in less crumbly big toe nails. Yay
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