Taint Misbehaving – Headed Home

Tl;Dr: Saw a doc, it’s time to stop. Next stop: Seattle

Background: I’ve been struggling with saddle sores (Laurel & Hardy) for a couple weeks. It’s hard to know if they are simply uncomfortable or actually harmful without an in-person exam. I stopped at the clinic in Del Norte and was able to see an excellent doc in under an hour. Her advice was pretty definitive – you have to stop.

Apparently both L – H have developed into pressure ulcers, which can get worse fast. Her husband is a cyclist, she said if she thought I could continue she’d tell me. So: daily dressing changes and some hefty local antibiotics and no sitting down (within reason) in the near term.

Good news: they should get better fast if well cared for, and they gave me enough to get back home.

I’m bummed out but not surprised. Bamff seems out of reach, but Steamboat Springs seems quite close, and after crossing Indiana Pass today I know I could do it under different circumstances.

Good news: my blood pressure is quite low, and I weigh a lot less.

Next adventure – figuring out how to get home near a national holiday. Hmmm.

No pictures on this post. You’re welcome.






7 responses to “Taint Misbehaving – Headed Home”

  1. Jim Walseth Avatar
    Jim Walseth

    You’ll ride again another day!
    Any trains a headed this way?

    1. Dave R (Admin) Avatar

      She did say I’d keep my legs 😂

  2. Karen Avatar

    A valiant effort, Dave! If it weren’t for those L-H “decubs” (as we nurses used to call them), I bet you would have done so much more! But wisdom is the better part of valor and future adventures await. You have much to be proud of!


  3. Shawn Avatar

    Epic adventure man. Way to go!!
    Perfect temperatures & creature comforts abound in Seattle.

  4. Bruce Dahlstrom Avatar
    Bruce Dahlstrom

    Dave, I’m sure you would made it to Steamboat Springs and beyond, if not for L and H. Too bad, but what a trip you’ve had! 758 mi., in spite of all the obstacles!

  5. DWB Avatar

    As another middle aged guy with a jones bike and a dream to ride the gdmbr. I have been following your adventure with interest. I appluad your effort and discretion. Well done.

    1. Dave R (Admin) Avatar

      Glad to hear this was entertaining and perhaps inspirational – happy to chat further at Dave.reeck@keeppedaling.us

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