Day 9: Sequestered in Grants

Tl:dr: Day Of Rest, holy cow Thunderstorm!

Thunderstorm – the locals say this was a 20 year storm.

Taking a day to heal up a bit and recover. Stayed the night at an adequate Super8, switched to a hostel this morning. Did a bit of shopping at Walmart.

Took a walk around town: on the surface it’s gothic industrial desperate – seems like more Garage’s than people plus a train depot.

But at closer inspection there’s a little something going on. Blake’s lotta burger had charming folks, Gas Up/Mt. Taylor coffee shop was cool, even the little convenience store was kinda cool (low key awesome in the contemporary vernacular).

But the real drama of the day is: Thunder storm.

I knew it was coming. I’ve been out in bad weather before. But nothing, nothing like this. Huge hail stones, felt like an inch of rain in about 20 min. It briefly tailed off, and then… Just kept coming!






9 responses to “Day 9: Sequestered in Grants”

  1. Darrell Reeck Avatar
    Darrell Reeck

    You described a wild thunderstorm 6/23/2024. I can only imagine it.

    1. Dave R (Admin) Avatar

      Sorry, that was supposed to be today, 6/21.

  2. JR Avatar

    Met you at the great divide trading post on I10. We made our way to Antelope Wells. Keep plugging away on that Jones of yours and get to Banff

    1. Dave R (Admin) Avatar

      Hey John! Congrats on making it! I appreciate the support, maybe I’ll see ya at the AZT. Keep being rad!

  3. Christina Avatar

    Cant wait to see the video of the T Storm! glad you got some respite today and found some quirkiness and goods in the town of Grants.

    1. Dave R (Admin) Avatar

      Check the day 9 update

  4. Bruce Dahlstrom Avatar
    Bruce Dahlstrom

    Dave, you picked a good day to be holed up!

  5. Jim Walseth Avatar
    Jim Walseth

    Up the northwest corner of town is New Mexico State University Grants, which may help provide the iota of hipness you are finding. Supposedly it features the Hotspot Cafe so there’s another place to checkout!

    1. Jim Walseth Avatar
      Jim Walseth

      Especially since it’s still raining! (Less so to the north where the route goes though.)

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